How to Enrol
Please fill out your enrolment form so that we know which classes you are are interested in and check your contact details.
You are entitled to enrol in as many U3A Bass Valley classes as you may wish to attend, subject to availability.
There are a number of options available to you to enable enrolment in U3A Bass Valley:
- Fill out this online form above (recommended).
- Download, print and complete the enrolment form then hand it to a course convenor.
- Fill in your enrolment form at your group.
How to Pay **
The payment options are:
You can deposit money directly into our account BSB 633000 Account number 132310517, please include Your Name as reference.
You can include a cheque with your enrolment form
You can pay the course convenor running (one of) your courses
Most activities involve some element of risk. U3ABV maintains limited public liability insurance through VMIA, Victorian Managed Insurance Authority, www.vmia.vic.gov.au for those who are enrolled. U3ABV will endeavour to protect your safety. However, U3ABV cannot remove all hazards. U3ABV assumes that participants, by enrolment, considers themselves to have appropriate levels of fitness, mobility and competence. Those undertaking activities should therefore demonstrate due care and be aware that they participate at their own risk.
* If you require a printed copy, contact us and we will post an enrolment form to you
** The annual subscription will be $35 per person (if you belong to another U3A you could join U3A Bass Valley for $15 per annum as an associate member). Half a year membership $17.50
These fees apply as of January 1, 2023.